
We have a full range of Zinsser primers & undercoats in stock. Ideal for those hard to cover surfaces or hiding damp stains etc...

Zinsser 500ml Coverstain Primer Paint

The Ultimate Oil-Based Primer

£9.99 inc VAT

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Zinsser 500ml B.I.N Primer Paint

The Ultimate Shellac-Based Primer

£22.99 inc VAT

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Zinsser 500ml 1.2.3 White Primer Paint

The Ultimate Water-Based Primer

£12.49 inc VAT

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Zinsser 1L B.I.N Primer Paint

The Ultimate Shellac-Based Primer

£34.99 inc VAT

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Zinsser 1L 1.2.3 White Primer Paint

The Ultimate Water-Based Primer

£22.99 inc VAT

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Zinsser 1L Coverstain Primer Paint

The Ultimate Oil-Based Primer

£17.99 inc VAT

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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 pages)